Saturday, January 16, 2010

This Is Not The First Time

Is it just me or does it seem that Shawn has in inordinate amount of car trouble? After the car had been sitting in the driveway for over a week, he was finally able to find a spare moment to get it taken care of.Really, this is not the first time that he has had to have his car towed from our driveway because it wouldn't start. (Although this may be the first time with this car.) There always seems to be a check engine light or a funny sound or something. Maybe he just has bad car karma. But it would be nice if everything could just run smoothly for a while - at least as far as the car is concerned.

In other news.....
This is Jonas participating in his school geography bee. He casually mentioned one day - as an afterthought - that he had won his class geography bee and would now be competing in the school one. After some prying, I learned that his class had had several rounds over a couple of weeks until everyone else had been eliminated. I find this a little entertaining because it was such a boy way to find out about it. If this had been one of my girls, they would have been telling me every detail of it all along the way and would have just burst through the door with the news that they had won instead of just kind of remembering about it on some other random day.
Anyway, he didn't win at the school level, but I couldn't answer the questions that he missed either. (Of course, I am already well aware this year that I am probably not as smart as a 5th grader, so this was not a shock to me.) I think being in the top ten out of 300 or so students isn't so bad. Although when I asked him a couple of times if he wanted to study a little bit before the geography bee, he said, no because he had managed to get this far without studying and it seemed to be working out for him. (We may have to work on that attitude a little bit before junior high and high school.)

And finally, I really like Michelle's idea of having a picture of the day. So I am considering copying her once again. We'll see. I'm not sure if I can really commit to one everyday, but I may just give it a shot.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I've decided that the daily photo is actually much easier than my previous method—taking lots of photos, only of "events," and then feeling too overwhelmed to post anything. I still haven't managed a Christmas catch-up post. You should do it (the daily photo). We could have a contest to see who can keep it up the longest. :)
Tell Jonas congrats! He is definitely smarter than I am. If we start playing Risk, can that count as studying geography? :)