Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Cookie Making

This is a memory I have from my own childhood. Many Sunday afternoons or evenings were spent making cookies. Or at least cookie dough, which the maker had to protect to the best of their ability from all of the scavenging hands. Any remaining cookie dough was made into cookies. I don't eat the dough anymore - that was an ability I lost with one of my pregnancies, but I still enjoy warm cookies out of the oven. (Too much I'm afraid.) Fortunately, this "tradition" is being passed along nicely to my offspring, who also seem to enjoy making cookies on Sunday afternoons.


Michelle said...

Mmm, those look good! That could be your giveaway.

KimberlyD said...

Samantha told us this morning about the cookie pizza she made with the last of the dough.