Anytime I call her by her name, she says, "Don't you mean Cupcake?" Oh, right.
Or she says, "When I go to school, you need to say "Have a good day, Cupcake."
And, "When it's time for bed, you need to say, "Have a good rest, Cupcake."
I'm trying, and I'm doing better, but occasionally I still forget. So, here's a picture of my Cupcake.
And, of course, Duffy never wants to be left out of anything that Amelia does, so she has asked to be called, "Little Cupcake." Although she doesn't request it as frequently as Amelia. Generally only when Amelia reminds her of it.
So here's a photo of my "Little Cupcake."
And here is a set of cupcakes, big and small.
I love the things the kids do that make me laugh!
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