Thursday, August 30, 2012

My New Love/Hobby

...Is not actually this pair of shoes.  (Although they are a part of it.)  In fact these shoes are the worst part of it.  Putting on these shoes actually reminds me quite a bit of my days in toe shoes.  Only back then I got to wrap my toes with tape and surround them with lambs wool before cramming them into the shoes, now it's just cramming my toes into the shoes.  (Although maybe the lambs wool would help...)
Anyway, I digress.  In the past couple of weeks, Shawn, Jonas and I have picked up rock climbing.  (All indoors so far.)  I have to admit, at the top of my very first climb, I was nervous and unsure.  I turned and looked down and thought, "Uh oh, this whole climbing thing may not be for me. And I still have 3 classes to get through."  But, by the end of the class I was hooked.  I love it.  It's challenging physically and has a tactical aspect to it as well, since you have to sort of try to plan your routes and find the best hand and foot holds to get you to the top.  It's just fun.  
We've lived just around the corner from Rockreation for almost 9 years now and always meant to go and try it out.  It took us awhile, but we're committed now.  (Obviously - I bought the shoes after all.)  It's a little tough to try to fit in one more thing and I'm still working on that part, but this week I tried getting up a little earlier so I could get my run in and still be to the climbing gym when it opened at 6:00.  It may work out.  In the meantime, I'm just really enjoying the climbing.  And wow, it feels so good to take those shoes off after I'm done!

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