A serious problem. In fact, it may be more of an addiction. Recognize these?

Yep, my beloved Cadbury Mini eggs. I can eat them by the bagful. It's a good thing they only show up once a year. (Although, I swear they show up earlier and earlier every year.) I am ashamed to admit, I am already on my second bag and Easter is still 6 1/2 weeks away! (Sorry Shawn, I may have eaten that first bag before you had a chance to know that I had them. And the current bag may not last the day. In fact, maybe you should pick up another bag at the store on your way home - just to be safe.)

I don't know if it is possible to do enough running, biking and swimming to make up for the damage that these may do. I need help - maybe even a support group. Then I would know there were others of you out there like me. (Of course, this would only work as long as none of you expect me to share my bag of mini eggs.)
In other news: Surprisingly, yesterday's snowstorm that left 8 - 10 inches of snow in our yard and driveway, didn't bother me. (Unusual, I know.) It is technically still winter, after all. I am still hoping for spring to come soon, but really, I thought the snow was beautiful - even as I was shoveling it. The morning after a snow storm is always so quiet and peaceful. I really enjoyed being outside in it. And I still hope to fit in a little more skiing or snowboarding, or at the very least, some snowshoeing before the snow is gone. Plus, more snow means more water in the reservoirs for summer boating. (Wow, look at me being all positive.)
And one more thing just because it makes me smile. A future Indiana Jones, maybe?

I'm proud to say we've only been through one bag so far this year, but it was a large bag, and I haven't done any exercise to make up for it, so I guess that's not anything that deserves pride. My strategy is to avoid the grocery store. Thank goodness Costco doesn't carry them or we'd be starving.
It's so crazy how much we have in common - add mini eggs to the list!!
I have two unopened bags up high in the cupboard - I'm resisting the urge to open them because i know I'll eat an entire bag in one sitting - LOVE them!,
Those eggs are not allowed in my house. Period.
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