It is birthday week at our house. (Plus you add in the fact that I had a nephew born 2 days ago, and
Ben Jacobsen's birthday celebration yesterday - that's birthdays on the 25th, 26th, 27th with Amelia's still to come on the 29th and Peter's on the 31st.) Whew! Anyway, the girls went outside this morning and came running back in the house yelling that there was a toilet in our front yard. I immediately responded with "Oh, Rob!! Seriously?!" They wanted to know how I knew it was Uncle Rob. I just said, "I just know it was."

He will claim that it is because I didn't wish him a Happy birthday on his birthday last year, but see, it's like this. We kind of make it a point to call each other on our birthdays every year. (We gave up on gift giving between siblings several years ago because it got kind of overwhelming and expensive.) It's a big deal to make sure that we get the phone call in before the end of the day, otherwise we are deemed uncaring and rude and so on. Bright and early on the morning of July 28, 2010, I called Rob's house to wish him a Happy Birthday but when Michelle tried to hand him the phone, he literally went running out of the house and refused to talk to me. I spent the ENTIRE day calling and recalling. I tried his home phone and his cell phone (which he just turned off after a few calls) and he refused to answer my phone calls all. day. long. Believe me I called and called and left several messages. I even tried calling from different phones so my name wouldn't show up on caller ID. He purposely refused to take my calls just so he could say that I didn't wish him a Happy Birthday. (He really is that stubborn - and mean - let's just say it like it is.) So, I haven't heard the end of it since that day. And he's been promising something special for me ever since because he wants to drive home the point that he has never missed my birthday. So here it is in all it's glory. My "pot" of flowers. (At least he was considerate enough to add the dirt and tulips. I guess he could have just dumped it on my lawn and called it good.) I snapped a quick shot of it before heading off to church this morning.

The kids all thing it is fabulous and funny. (I'm not so sure that my neighbors will agree.)

So, Happy Birthday to me. Thanks, Rob for the lovely, um tulips. And of course, you know this means it's on.

Two of my cuties.

This is the lovely birthday cake,

that was made especially for me by Samantha. (Really, all by herself! She had a plan and asked Shawn to pick up what she would need at the store.) I love it.

Immediately after church, we headed downtown to my parents new place for a birthday dinner. (Nothing nicer than not having to cook or clean on your birthday!) Here's part of the crew at the table.

If you look just past Jake's head, you can see what a nice view they have.

If you're in the right spot, this is what you see while you eat. You can't complain about a view like that.

The birthday dinner was not just for me, but also for Peter and Amelia, so we all got to blow out candles. Grandma Judy helping Peter:

Amelia and her cupcake:

She also helped me blow out my candles. (We don't actually have to discuss my age here, right?)

Peter didn't really want to wait for a plate or ice cream. He was ready to dig right in.

From dinner, we rushed home to open presents. I got lots of help. The kids could hardly stand it that I hadn't opened any presents yet. We always have to start by putting on the birthday hat.

I am now the proud owner of my very own petroglyph, courtesy of Samantha.

Mostly these photos are here because all of the facial expressions make me laugh.

These are some of my favorite presents of all. (At least most days.)

From present opening, we were off to Samantha's harp recital. Always a joy to listen to harp music. (No explanation for why all of the pictures are blurry, but Samantha's on the right.)

And then, just to finish things off right, back home to blow out the candles on my other cake.

It was a busy, happy birthday. Yep, right now I
do feel a little older, but then again, it's way past my bedtime, so good night!