Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Orchestra Concert

Jonas had his Christmas orchestra concert at school today. This can be one of the more painful parts of parenting. Shawn says there is a special place in heaven for the people who teach the band and orchestra classes in schools. I would have to agree. Can you imagine trying to teach all of these kids (most who have never picked up their instrument before), to play on different instruments in time, and mostly on key, in just a couple of hours a week? All in all, I'm pretty impressed with how well Jonas does considering that he almost never practices at home. (Hey, there are only so many hours in a day, and I already make him practice piano, plus 2 of his sisters have practicing to do, too. Also, since I refuse to haul the bass back and forth daily, it stays at the school for half the week anyway. I just can't make it happen. - Can you sense the guilt here?) Anyway, it wasn't too bad. And I love the sound of the bass.

Jonas and his friend, Josh.
Peter and I enjoying the music. Shawn took some video of Peter dancing, because that's what the kid does when he hears music. I couldn't find it so it must be on Shawn's phone. I'll have to add it if I find it.
Duffy got to catch the last part of the concert since preschool was over before the music was. (Hallelujah for having preschool at Jonas' school! Just a quick walk down the hall to check her out, and then back to our seats.) Grandpa Quincy and Fran also got to enjoy the concert since they were in town.
There are 3 bass players in the orchestra - Jonas, Preston and Josh.
A little vide clip for the grandparents of the song that was all plucking. I have the other songs, too if you want to come over and see them.
'Tis the season!

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