Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Field of Dreams is Complete, Guess Where We'll Be For Water Polo Tomorrow?

That's right, our 3-plus year pool ordeal is finally over.  Shawn's field of dreams is complete.  We are so excited we can barely stand it.

It is a thing of beauty.
All set up for water polo, complete with lines, floating cages, and a center ball drop.  Woo hoo!

And look at this awesome fully functioning scoreboard.  We are feeling so spoiled after 3 years of being at Granite with everything barely holding together and functioning on a wish and a prayer.

And set up for swim team with beautiful new lane lines and flags.

It's a good thing we like this place so much, because we will be spending an awful lot of time here,  It's kind of our home away from home.
Shawn cant' keep from smiling every time he thinks about it. Maybe "giddy" is the word to use.  Can't wait to test it out.

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