Monday, December 10, 2012

Who Knew That Putting Up Christmas Lights Would Make Us Famous?

OK, not exactly famous, but it made us laugh anyway.  I mean, I think this is only the second year in a row that we have put up Christmas lights in forever.  (Read here.)  Right after Thanksgiving, Shawn set to work.  (I mean, it wasn't even December!)  And got the whole yard all lit up.  Then over the weekend, I was reading the Millcreek paper and it talked about holiday decorations to go see in the area. 
I was scanning the section that said, "Other places worth seeing"  when I saw our street listed.  and I thought, "Oh that's cool, someone on our street has good Christmas lights to see."  And then I looked again, and realized, it wasn't just our street, but our house!  I laughed out loud and told Shawn he had to see this.  We laughed about it all day.
We weren't even aware that there was any sort of contest for house decorations, but you can be sure that Shawn has set his sights on going for the win next year!

I'll just enjoy the festive feel that the lights give us since the weather sure isn't making it feel Christmasy!  (Even Jonas, my winter-hater, said to me, "The holiday decorations just look kind of sad without any snow."  I fully agree.  I don't love winter all that much either, but I do like snow for Christmas.

Anyway, be on the lookout for our house to make the paper next year!

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