Monday, March 10, 2008

The Harp Recital or the Stringham Family's Final Public Appearance

Salt Lake City, Ut (AP) Due to the unruly, disruptive and somewhat obnoxious behavior exhibited by the Stringham children at a recent harp recital, the Stringham Family announced that Sunday night's harp concert would be their final public appearance.  The news was received by fellow concert-goers with cheers and resounding cries of  "Thank goodness!"  and "It's about time!". 

Despite the fact that Samantha performed on the harp beautifully (as can be seen by watching the above video)and exhibited decent behavior through the end of the concert,  her public persona crumbled at the end of the reception following the concert.  Her youngest sister had to be forcefully removed from the concert immediately after Samantha's performance due to her loud and disruptive behavior, and was locked out of the building until the end of the recital.  Her other younger sister was constantly on the move throughout the performances and began wailing loudly at the end when she was not allowed to play a piece on the harp as well.  Samantha's older brother began the concert with several loud sighs and moans, but after several reprimands and severe looks from his parents, did mange to end the night with relatively decent behavior, but this was not enough to leave the Stringhams feeling as if they could venture into the public eye again.  Upon leaving the recital, several of those attending were embarrassed by the screaming and crying they heard as three of the four children were physically carried off and loaded into the car.  When asked how he thought the evening went, their father was reported as saying, "*#!*?#*!".

It has been determined that except for possible rare appearances at family functions where the children's behavior may be overlooked by loving relatives or at least be less noticeable due to the obnoxious and/or rowdy behavior exhibited by uncles and cousins, the Stringhams will only be allowed in public in ones or twos so their behavior will not draw as much undesirable attention.


Michelle said...

Wow, sorry we missed that one—although our presence would have only doubled your embarrassment. Great job Samantha!

Marsh Mayhem said...

So when can we expect the announcement of Number five?

Love, Matty

Rachel said...

Oh gosh. Well, thanks for the smile, anyhow. I'll remember to check ahead to see if you guys will be anyplace I'm going.

Matt and Christy said...

Matt Grose et al here. Your daughter is very talented (as I'm sure your other children are). Christy, my wife, plays the harp, as well. She has been in competitions with girls your daughter's age- who beat her. Tell her to keep practicing. Maybe she'll get to whoop Christy on stage in a couple of years.