Friday, March 14, 2008

Am I crazy?

So, it's been almost a week since I completed the Moab half marathon, (which in itself is somewhat miraculous since after running the Salt Lake half marathon last year I swore it would be my last!) and I haven't run since, but I'm feeling guilty now for being a slacker.  My friend Becky (who also ran the Moab half) called me on about Tuesday to say she was going to run the Salt Lake half marathon and asked if I wanted to do it too.  I must be somewhat of a masochist because I'm actually considering it.  But I'm not committed yet, I keep remembering how at mile 8 I started thinking "Man, this is getting really old - I'm kind of tired of running."  Then, somewhere between mile 10 and 11 I started thinking that I was going to puke and really wishing that it were a 12 mile race instead.  In my head I was saying, "OK just finish this race - without puking please, and you never have to do another half marathon in your life."  I just keep thinking how nice it would be to just run a 5K or 10K.  But I did improve my time by about 4 minutes, so there is a part of me that would like to see how I do this year on the same course as last year - to see if I really have improved.  But since Becky called me, I keep having nightmares about the race.  In one, I am at the start line and realize I forgot my power gels and there is no time to get any and I know I can't finish without them.  In another, the race starts without me.  I can't quite figure out why I'm not at the starting line, but since my biggest fear in racing is that I will come in dead last, (speed is not my strength) this is truly a nightmare for me.  I guess this all just really boils down to the question, should I or should I not run 8 miles tomorrow?  I'll have to let you know what I decide.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Uh, I'd go with the "NOT" on the 8 mile question, but you might have noticed that you could choose better role-models than me in the fitness department. Go run, my friend, go run!