Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Look-a Likes

Earlier last year, I was so excited to see that American Girl dolls finally had hearing aids available.  (I have looked for and asked about them previously.  I figured with wheelchairs, braces, crutches, etc., that eventually they would have hearing aids.)  As Amelia has gotten older, she has become less and less happy about the fact that she has to wear hearing aids, as I guess I should have expected.  Being different is sometimes harder the older you get.  Anyway, I thought if her American Girl doll could have hearing aids too, it would soften the blow a little bit. 

I planned to get her some for Christmas.  That was before I discovered that getting hearing aids would require a "procedure" and therefore, a trip to the American Girl store.  Well, that wasn't going to happen since we had just been there in April last year.  But then, when Grandpa Quincy and Fran came to visit just before Christmas, I decided to ask them if they wouldn't mind tucking Amelia's doll into their luggage and taking her in to the store for hearing aids.  They very kindly agreed to.  We also sent Samantha's doll to get her ears pierced in anticipation of Samantha's 12th birthday.

The girls waited very patiently.  (Well, mostly patiently on Amelia's part. She asked about them and checked the mail almost daily.)  And today, the dolls finally arrived home.

Amelia was very happy to see her companion.

And even happier now that they both have hearing aids.

And Samantha?  Well, she's still trying to work up the nerve to get her own ears pierced, but is having fun changing the earrings in her doll's ears.  One day, maybe they'll match...
(Samantha is not happy with this particular photo, but it was the only one I had documenting the earrings - and lack thereof.)

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