Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Break Part 2

There was lots of playing outside in the sunshine, riding scooters, rollerblading and longboarding. (It was one of Jonas's goals to learn to do that while we were there.) The girls and I went shopping and they each chose a new swim suit. We also went to Ice Berg for shakes. (It took a couple of days for everyone to get through those.)I decided to take the kids to the Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum because when we lived in Santa Clara, we used to come all the time and Jonas and Samantha really liked it.

Unfortunately, Peter didn't. Not one bit. And then when the lights went out and the thunderstorm sounds came on, I had 3 kids crying and screaming, covering their ears and begging to go home. Jonas, Samantha and I couldn't help but laugh. It was pretty funny. I was glad there weren't too many people in there with us because we created quite a commotion.
Eventually, the lights came back on, the "storm" ended and I convinced Amelia that it was faster to go the rest of the way through the museum than to turn back. I put Megan in the stroller, and carried Peter and we made it without anymore trauma.
And, of course, because I was playing the role of "yes" Mom, everyone got to pick a treat or little toy form the gift shop. (This "yes" Mom stuff is getting expensive.)

And back for more time outside on bikes and scooters.
There was also lots of bubble blowing and chalk drawing going on, too. (Just for future reference, the colored crayola bubbles make a huge mess - washable, but messy nonetheless.)
The kids were thrilled when the Marshes showed up on Thursday so there was someone new to play with. We pulled out the wading pool we bought when Jonas and Robbie were babies......and the girls jumped and splashed to their hearts' content. (And may have ended up a little sunburned.)

Peter must have a little of me in him because he was obsessive about lining up the chalk all in a row, all going the same direction. He was getting frustrated every time one of the girls would take a piece and not put it back just right. (Mostly, I think, "Finally, a child who cares about the order of things!" He is also the only one who goes around closing cupboards and things that are left open, too.)

It was a sad day when we finally had to pack up and head home after a week in the warmth, but there were Easter festivities to get home for! I will miss being the "Yes" Mom. I already dread having to get back to homework, practicing and jobs. Ugh!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Way to catch up today! I love that photo of Robbie and Jonas. Sigh. We need to check into a "yes mom" week at Bear Lake while we still have the chance.