Thursday, February 2, 2012

Boyfriend For Sale?

Anyone know of a boyfriend for sale? Because apparently my 7 year old is in the market for one. I found this gem as I was tossing all of the kids papers into the recycling
finished homework drawer.

In case you can't read it, it says,
"If I had $100 Dollars I would buy a new Phone & a Boyfriend."

First of all buying a new phone implies that she has an old phone. Unless there's something I don't know about, she has no phone. And as far as the boyfriend? Jeesh! What are they teaching them in school these days? I clearly need to restrict her access to all funds and discuss - AGAIN - that boyfriends won't be in the picture until she's 25. Man, talk about my lectures falling on deaf ears.
Apparently I should have been more concerned with the kissing episode in first grade. She clearly takes after Shawn. Now I'm wondering what the other second graders would buy with their $100.

1 comment:

Thierry said...

Hillarious! I especially love the great conversation she is planning on having with her boyfriend. "What's up" haha!