Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This Year Is Going To Be Different

Every year, around Thanksgiving, it starts happening. All around us, the neighbors start putting up their Christmas lights. And every year we talk about maybe putting up lights, maybe we even intend to put up lights, but just never quite manage to fit it in. (Now in our defense, a number of our neighbors - from a certain generation - have people to put up their lights. If we had "people", our lights would be up, too.) Anyway, every year it ends up that we are surrounded by fully lit and decorated houses (including the neighborhood self-proclaimed Griswolds.) So, when you pull up to our dark house, you can't help but think, wow, this is a house of scrooges. (Now, mind you, we go all-out inside the house to make up for it.) But this year is going to be different. Not because Shawn or I have gone out and hung up Christmas lights - no siree. This year is going to be different because we still have our bat lights up from Halloween.Festive, isn't it? I was thinking I could just flock them, or maybe a little tinsel....


Rachel said...

That is so hilarious. Just put little Santa hats on them and you're all set - it's what I'm planning to do to the giant pumpkins that still grace our front porch!

Melissa said...

Now that's a good idea. I wonder where I could find some.

kristen @ just-iced cookies said...

Who lives in the Griswolds house? If I get around to it, I may change out the blacklight from Halloween on our driveway to a festive red or green :)

Rachelle said...

So glad you found my blog!! Loved your bats!! Please send me your email and I'll send you my blurb book access. They have a great set-up where you "slurp" your blog into their software and then can do any changes from there. This was a great way to start. I did change every page because I wanted the pictures larger, but I am so excited about how it turned out. We sat on the couch and laughed at some of the posts that we definitely had already forgotten!

KimberlyD said...

YOu could keep them up long enough that they could become your Valentines and Easter bats too!