So, because of the whole stomach flu over Christmas break thing, we had not actually had an opportunity for the whole family to go skiing yet this season. (Believe me the breaking of the Christmas Eve Family Ski Tradition was harsh, and not taken well by all.)
Since the kids were out of school on this Friday for the end of the term, we decided to give it a go. It was a fantastic family ski day. It wasn't crowded since it was a Friday, the snow was amazing, the temperature wasn't bad, and everyone could ski together! There was very little whining and I think everyone enjoyed themselves and being together. We look forward to doing it again! (And that's saying something!)
And just in case the ski day wasn't awesome enough, we came home and found this waiting for us in the kitchen.
I think the kids were pretty surprised. We had them convinced there was no way we were taking one of the neighbors puppies. (I was also pretty convinced we weren't going to, but somehow I got talked into it, despite my better judgement.)
Peter, in particular, didn't quite believe it. He kept asking if he was ours and if we actually paid for him. He was so excited. They all were, but you have to understand that Peter hauls his "gang" upstairs every morning - his gang consisting of a puppy pillow pet, a very large stuffed dog as big as he is, and any number of smaller stuffed dogs that he can manage to fit in his arms. He LOVES dogs!
I loved finding this sign on the white board.

From there, everyone had to hurry fast and get out of ski clothes and into regular clothes for our next adventure, which was, of course to go to Petsmart and buy all the puppy accoutrements and food we didn't have.
And THEN, we got to go to a surprise party for Jake. Of course, with a brand new puppy, we couldn't leave him behind so he went with us, too. I'm sure my sister-in-law wasn't thrilled with that plan, but we kept him off the floor at all times and tried to keep him quiet and contained.
So, yes, we had already had a birthday dinner for Jake on his actual birthday, because the only way to keep a surprise is to not mess with all of the usual things that you do, so we still had our El Farol's dinner to throw him off the scent.
He got some really awesome gifts, like this Ken doll costume, complete with plastic hair, and these cool #30 glasses, because you only turn 30 once, after all.
This is a seriously mellow puppy.
Ken wearing his "the big 3-0 pin".
These glasses were an absolute favorite and just about everyone wanted to try them on. I'm going to save this picture of my mom somewhere special.
Peter with creepy eyes.
And Jonas.
There were some other people at the party that were totally enamored by the puppy as well.
I hope I can continue to love him through this whole house training thing.