Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

As a general rule, Mother's Day has never been my favorite holiday.  This year, I somehow managed to let go of my frustrations with my mothering skills (or lack thereof) and let go of any expectations I had for how my Mother's Day should be.  (You know, I always dream of a blissful day with no children arguing and everyone jumping up to help at every chance, but I'm a realist, and I know Sunday mornings - even when Shawn does get to stay home from meetings, are not the most restful and relaxing times of the week.)
Amazingly, when I let go of all of the above, I found that I could really enjoy Mother's Day.  I loved opening all of the homemade gifts from my kids, loved the snuggles and hugs and the "I Love You's".
I enjoyed a delicious breakfast in bed.  Beignets and fruit  - a real treat.  (Since we missed our conference Sunday beignets, I guess they decided we needed to make up for the loss.)
Everyone joined me on the bed and helped me eat them.  

(And there was only a little bit of powdered sugar all over my bedspread after we were all done.)

We tried for a hurrried Mom and kids photo right before church, and of course, there was at least one sad face - missing scriptures or lost shoes or something.  (I just can't seem to win on the nice photo of everybody thing.)
Just so you know, Jonas is not actually taller than I am - YET.  I was standing in a little bit of a hole.  But I'm pretty sure this will be my last Mother's Day where that is the case.  In fact, I'm guessing that before the year is out, my little boy will surpass me in height.  (Oh that's painful to admit. But at least I am still stronger than he is! ;))
Duffy and Amelia made this little banner for me.  Pictures of me with both of them.
One day I will miss these little grammatical errors.

It was a very nice Mother's Day.  We ended the day by making a visit to see Grandma Judy - forgetting the camera, of course.  We were also able to chat briefly with both of my brothers who live out of state while we were there. (Grandma Cathy was out of town.) Then back home to put everybody to bed and enjoy a few minutes of quiet.
Happy Mother's Day to all of my favorite Mother's out there!

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