Sunday, July 27, 2008

Taking the Plunge

A few weeks back, our neighbors approached us about buying in on half of their boat.  We have always talked about owning a boat, but it hasn't ever reached the top of our priority list.  We went out on the boat, and talked to everyone we know who owns a boat.  In doing this we heard every time, without fail, that boating has been the best family time that any of these people have had.  (Also several warnings that it makes absolutely zero financial sense - which we heartily agree with.)  After taking a couple of boating trips with all the kids, we decided we had found an activity that everyone really enjoyed (a rare thing in and of itself.)  When Jonas first climbed in the boat after tubing, he yelled "that was totally awesome!"  On her first time out, Amelia literally didn't stop giggling the entire time and she begs daily to go out on the "big boat" again.  So, we decided that for a 10 year old boat, the price was just about right, and we took the plunge, so to speak.  We figured this was a good way to see if we truly are a boating family.  So far, so good.  We are having a great time!  An open invitation exists to anyone we know to come and join us on the lake.  Just call us and tell us when.


K said...

I'm hoping Rob will be swayed by your social pressure and take the pludge too.

Carol said...

Sounds like so much fun. I may have to formulate an argument to get Tom to take the plunge as well.