Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Amelia's New Eyes

I have to admit I was really disappointed when I got the letter in the mail telling me that Amelia hadn't passed her vision screening at school.  I hate that I have to wear glasses and can't function without glasses on or contacts in my eyes very first thing in the morning.
But Amelia was absolutely thrilled to find out she might need glasses.
She tried on several pairs, finally picking this one.  Then she could hardly wait the few days for them to be ready.
Poor girl.  I also got glasses in 5th grade.  (January, I believe.)  I remember being shocked at the fact that I could see individual leaves on the trees and the individual bricks on the buildings as we were driving home.  (You just don't realize what you can't see when you first start losing that good eyesight.)
Amelia was commenting on that as well.  "Wow! I can see things so clearly." I hope she is on a slower track than I am and that her eyes don't get too much worse, but reality probably won't go that way.  Not if she has my eyes.
But this was one excited girl when she got those glasses!

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