Thursday, May 29, 2014

My Last Ever Preschool Program

It's hard to believe that my baby is finishing up preschool.  I'm just not ready.
For his program, he ended up sitting next to his good friend Mylie.  His other carpool buddy, Daphne, is on top to the left.
I just love that happy little face.

He said his part perfectly.  He looks pretty comfortable with that mic in his hands.
All sorts of songs and dances going on.

And me, well, I cried through the whole thing like the big baby that I am.  I just kept looking around thinking, "Why am I the only one crying?"  Yeah, I made a fool of myself.  I felt a little better afterward when I found another teary Mom.  Her baby was graduating from preschool, too. 
Peter with Miss Erin.  Megan also had her and we followed her to a different school we liked her so much.
Peter and Miss Jenny.  He had a pretty good year with both of these ladies as his teachers.
Afterward, we went to my friend, Katie's house, where Peter tried out the rock climbing wall and Katie and I commiserated over the fact that our babies are growing up too fast.  I guess things could be worse, my baby is graduating from preschool, but Katie's baby is graduating from junior high and her first baby is headed out on a mission.  I'm definitely not ready for that.

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