This is how my afternoon went: Pick Amelia up from preschool. Run home to get swim stuff, ballet stuff and snacks for all. Load it all into the car. Load kids into car to go pick up Samantha from school. Samantha in car. Toss her her swimsuit to change into, then toss her a cheese stick and some crackers. Drop her off at the pool. Drive back to intercept Jonas and his friend, Tanner who are now off the bus and walking home. Drop Tanner off. Toss Jonas his swimsuit to change into, followed by his snacks to eat as well. (All this time I am, of course, driving very carefully since I have children not buckled in and removing clothing - safe, huh?) Get back to the pool, unload everyone, watch Samantha swim for 5 minutes. Get Samantha out of the water and Jonas in. Hustle all the girls back out to the car where Samantha now changes into her ballet clothes while we drive to ballet. Drop her off, return to the pool. (Yes, this is now my third trip there in an hour!) Unload and watch the last 10 minutes of Jonas' workout. Then reload everyone, take Jonas home, unload all of the clothing, backpacks, towels, goggles, shoes, wrappers, papers, etc., from the car and dump it in a pile on the floor. Load the girls back up and go get Samantha from ballet. Bring her home. Whew! Now the problem is, they all want dinner, and I've clearly not made any yet. Say hello and good-bye to Shawn as he heads off to scouts with some mention of how it would be nice to see him for an extended period of time in the near future.
And to think we chose it all. At least it will only be this crazy for a couple of weeks. After next week, preschool ends, soccer ends, Studentfest will be done and things will settle into a slightly more manageable groove until school lets out for the summer.
It kind of makes me nostalgic for the days of a couple of young kids when the days seemed long and we were looking for things to do. Anyway, it brings me back to my point of the necessity of my car in my life. It's a sad state. I wish I were less dependent on it, especially since, as Samantha puts it so gently, I am killing the penguins. (They apparently learned something about global warming at school and my driving the car is clearly a direct cause - but she doesn't seem willing to ride her bike everywhere either.) So there you have it - my life of craziness. If you think you don't see me much or hear from me often, you can now understand that I barely have time to come up for air and my antisocial behavior is nothing personal. :)