Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Zoo

It has been a really long time since Peter and I went to the zoo.  (Despite his asking constantly to go.)  So we were both excited to go for his preschool field trip this month.
We made 3 stops at the elephants.  Always a favorite.
I know it's been there almost a year, but I didn't want to fight the crowds when the polar bear exhibit opened, so this was our first time seeing it.  This is what we thought.
Actually, multiple thumbs up.  He (?) was so much fun to watch!

Over and over again, he pushed off of the rock and swam right up to the window, where he would lift himself up out of the water - just inches from our faces.  Then he would push off from the window on his back and swim back to the rock and repeat, repeat, repeat.

Love watching the animals when they are active.

Yeah, we saw the other animals, too, but the polar bear was definitely a high light!
We definitely love the zoo and now I can't wait to take the other kids back to see the polar bear, too.

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