Saturday, May 1, 2010


I guess Shawn promised the kids a trip to the aquarium for helping to clean up yesterday, and for going to bed and staying there, last night. So, we joined the rest of the free world at the Living Planet Aquarium today. It was a bit too busy for my liking but the kids didn't seem to care.

Stringham Family Totem Pole

Peter loved watching the fish. I kept thinking he was crying because he wanted me to hold him, but it turns out, he was crying because Shawn kept pulling him away from the fish he was looking at.

Trying to pet the stingrays. This was the most active I've ever seen them. They kept coming up the sides and flapping their "wings." It must have been close to feeding time or something.

More stingray action

Jonas investigating some type of sea creature.

The girls seeing how they measure up to the penguins. (The penguins were lots of fun to watch - swimming and jumping and diving all around.)

Just another example of why I can never get a decent photo of all my kids at once.

Peter stayed pretty happy even though he was missing a nap.

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