Sunday, April 20, 2014


For the first time in years, we had to put in a request to have the Easter Bunny come on Sunday instead of our usual Saturday stop.  We just couldn't fit him in with running the Water polo tournament.  I definitely like it better when he comes on Saturday, so, we'll try for that again next year.
The kids are ready to start searching for their baskets.  I guess Peter's a little mad about something.
That's a little better.
Some of the kids found their baskets pretty quickly and easily...

... while others searched and searched.  Jonas was not happy when he found what he thought was his basket, but realized it was just a basket of pine cones instead.
Finally, success.  That Easter Bunny sure is tricky sometimes.

I just wanted one nice Easter picture of the kids.  As usual, it took several trys.  This one's pretty good.
But this one, not so much.
Happy Easter!

Friday, April 18, 2014

SkOly Water Polo Tournament

Fortunately, the tournament was held at Olympus, so it was just a quick trip up the street to get there - it makes spending most of the weekend there so much easier!

Seriously? This kid has a full beard.  He looks like he's 25.  Oh well, Jonas doesn't seem bothered by it.

I have a lot of respect for goalies.  I couldn't do what they do.

One of the girls got asked to prom while we were there.
Shawn just couldn't resist getting in the picture.  Sometimes I have to wonder if he's more coach or more kid.  I guess that's why I love him.
Our tournament was so successful, that we've been asked to host both the JV and Varsity state tournaments.  Man, that's a ton of work and hours and hours and hours of time at the pool, but it sure beats driving out to Kearns or South Davis!

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

It was a beautiful sunny morning for our Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.  I know I've mentioned it before, but I just love living in this neighborhood.
The kids were so excited and ready to go with their baskets in hand.
Peter (With stitches safely under wraps.  He does NOT want anybody seeing them and asking him what happened.)

It was a successful hunt for all, with yummy food at the Robinson's, but we had to make it quick so we could get to a water polo tournament that had already started.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wherein Flat Joey Joins Us For Breakfast and Peter's Group Gathers

While Flat Peter, Amelia and Megan are in Europe with the Marsh cousins, Flat Nerd Guy Joey is hanging out at home with us.  He came to breakfast this morning.
I went down to Peter's room and found this set up.  He asked me to take a picture of him with his "group".
And one of just his group.  Of course, because he asked so nicely, I obliged.

Monday, April 14, 2014

A Field Trip, A Beard, A Bike Rescue and A School Play

I got to go on Amelia's 4th grade field trip to the Murray wetlands.  (I didn't know they even existed before this, to be honest.)  Fortunately, it was a beautiful sunny day.  She was pretty excited to have me there and it's always fun to see how the kids interact with each other.

Shawn decided to hang on to his spring break beard for a while.  (I may have influenced that decision a little bit.)
Shawn made the mistake of riding on Foothill Blvd, and was rewarded with a flat tire.
I guess he knew I wouldn't be much help, so he called my Uncle rod who showed up a few minutes later with a new tube.

  We attended Amelia's school play - Aladdin.  Somehow the only picture I ended up with has nothing to do with the play and everything to do with Jonas tormenting Samantha while we waited for it to start.  I promise Amelia looked cute and did a great job even though there is absolutely no photographic evidence to verify that.
And that's a quick summary of some of our April happenings.