Saturday, September 7, 2013

Peter's First Soccer Game

So, remember that post when I mentioned that against my better judgement I had signed Peter up for soccer?  Well today was his first game, and I am pretty convinced that it was, in fact, a bad idea.
As you can see, he was very into the game.

He didn't want to leave my lap when it was his turn to play.

Good thing I had my phone to entertain the other kids.
OK, he did actually go out onto the field a couple of times, but he kind of ran in slow motion.
He even made contact with the ball - before the coach moved out of the way.

Amelia kept herself entertained by taking all of the pictures you see here, so photo credits go to her.  I think she has a future as a photographer...

And yes, this is Peter sitting on the ball in the middle of the field - during the game.
Oh right, he also spent some time playing in the goal.
The adoring fans.

Sometimes, he needed some very direct instructions from his coach.

More sitting on the ball.
And he even played like this a good deal of the time - never mind that he couldn't see.  This led to a shoving match between him and another kid.  Awesome that my 4 year old was nearly involved in a brawl at his soccer game.
Believe me, by the end of this game, all I could think was, oh my gosh, HOW many more weeks of this do we have?  This may be the longest soccer season of my life - and I really like soccer - ordinarily,

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