Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Crazy Hair Day and a Smashed Finger

Part of our annual spirit week at the elementary school, is crazy hair day.  I have to say, the younger kids requests are much easier than Samantha's were.  Nothing too elaborate, here. Just a little color to add pizzazz and they are good to go.

Always an exhausting morning, but as long as everyone leaves happy, it's OK.
Unfortunately not everyone ended the day happy.  I got a phone call from one of Samantha's friends at the junior high telling me Samantha was sitting in the hall, was really pale and had blood gushing from her finger.  Uh, OK.  what happened?  She didn't know.  So, I headed to the school to see what the deal was.  
Fortunately, she had made it to the office by the time I got there, but she was ghostly pale and it was clear she needed to go home.  Apparently, the teacher left the room, which meant some of the kids were goofing off.  One jumped up on his desk and it slid into Samantha's and her finger was smashed in between.  There was a lot of blood, and it kept bleeding all day.  She won't let anyone take a look at it, so I'm not sure of all the damage yet.
I really hope it's not broken.

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