Friday, August 3, 2012

Slip Sliding Away

From the "Lessons I Probably Never Would Have Learned if I Didn't Have Kids" file, neither of these products is very good for mopping your wood floors:

Unless, of course, you are going for the "I want my kitchen to be an ice rink" motif. Then, by all means, carry on and mop your floor with the above.
Just beware, if you plan to drop by my place, tread carefully.

*I do so appreciate my kids taking some initiative and deciding to mop my floors.  Really, I do.  But this is the 2nd time we've had to learn this lesson.  Granted, the first time was with the orange glo, and this time was the pledge.  Three moppings later, and it's still a bit slick.  The first time was a few years ago, and unfortunately was during the winter which meant we were walking around in socks the majority of the time.  I think just about all of us spent some time on the ground after sliding around a corner.  At least this time of year, we're mostly in bare feet which gives you just a bit more traction, but still, it's a little dangerous in the kitchen right now.  I'm off to have another little chat about making sure the label says "Floor Cleaner" on it before using it on the floors.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hey! I don't think I've been reading blogs much lately because you have a lot of stuff on here I haven't seen before - fun to catch up and see all your adventures. Hope to SEE you soon!