Friday, June 17, 2011

You Don't Have to Look Far to Find the Evidence....

Exhibit A:
Videos spread all over the floor because it is much easier to find what you are looking for if you pull them all off the shelf first.

Exhibit B:
Trains on the kitchen table (and any other variety of places). In short, trains everywhere.
Exhibit C:
Pan lids lined up neatly on the kitchen floor.
Exhibit D:
Plates lined up neatly along the kitchen floor. (He is an organizer after all.)
Exhibit E:
Rubber frog boots on the feet whenever possible. (Honestly, I have to hide them if I want him to wear something else. Even if it's 80 degrees outside and his feet are sweltering. Mmm, hot, sweaty feet in rubber boots.)
Exhibit E2:
More of the rubber frog boots. Same shorts, different day.Exhibit F:
Sippy cup in hand.
Exhibit G:
Woody and Bullseye toys in hand.

Yep, all this evidence is proof positive that a 2 year old boy lives here.
And I'm so glad that he does!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That was the cutest post ever.