Wednesday, March 24, 2010

On This Day in History

Today's photo(s) of the day come from 2007. I decided to look back and see if I could find a photo taken on March 24th of a past year, and 2007 was the winner.
3 Girls
Amelia and Samantha
Amelia and Duffy

March 24, 2007: Samantha had recently turned 6, Amelia was 5 days shy of her 3rd birthday, and Megan was 9 months old. My how they've grown!


Thierry said...

Oh my! Meagan and Peter look SO much alike! I think its the eyes?
And I love the conversation below about how Grandpa can marry her... haha!

Michelle said...

I've been wanting to do a "this day in history" photo, but it seems like I never have a photo on the exact day when I need one. Cute photos—I loved those dresses.