Monday, November 9, 2009

Sleep Update

For those of you who may be wondering how my night went, (see previous post) here is the update:  The baby slept all night.  (He woke up at 5:15, but as long as there is a 5 as the first number on the clock, I count it as morning.  Plus, I can just feed him and then he'll sleep for another hour or two.) But Megan.  Oh Megan.  Apparently my mere presence in the house puts her in some sot of hypnotic haze and she needs to seek me out.  (I can just here the thoughts in her little brain.  Must be with Mom...  Must be with Mom.... Must always be with Mom...Not really much different from her daytime thoughts - hold me, hold me, hold me...)  But still, she only got up once, and that is a huge improvement.  I just need to think my positive thoughts a little more strongly, I guess.  I have to admit that when Amelia asked me if I was going to sleep at the hotel every night, I was tempted to say yes, just so they would think I wasn't here and stay in their beds all night.  Here's hoping for more good nights.


Michelle said...

Have you tried a reward if she stays in bed all night? Rob has also threatened to confiscate blankies—I realize that threats are politically incorrect parenting, but it has worked. Good luck, I feel your pain.

Keersten said...

Congratulations! Isn't sleep the holy grail of parenthood?? I hope it just gets better from here. Mike tells me that I need to wear earplugs and stop getting up for the girls and then they would start sleeping through the night. I don't know; but we have been having talks with them about how they need to stay in their beds and go back to sleep on their own once the baby comes home. Probably wishful thinking, but we'll see. :)