Friday, July 31, 2009

Four Months Old

It is hard to believe that 4 months have already gone by, and yet it seems like Peter has always been here.  As hard as it is, I just love having a little baby in the house.  I love how his face lights up and he breaks into a huge grin when I come in to get him in the morning, and he arches his little back letting me know he wants to be picked up. He is a pretty happy and calm baby.  Unfortunately, he still sucks his thumb - either hand will do - whichever is more convenient.  A lot of the time he has both thumbs in the "thumbs up" position - ready to pop into his mouth.
I have to wonder just how recessive those blue-eyed genes are since he is clearly keeping his blue eyes.  He is extremely alert and social.  He smiles at anyone who acknowledges him and will start cooing if they maintain eye contact.
Do I wish I were more in control of my life and my time? Do I wish I could keep my house picked up?  Do I wish I had my pre-baby body back?  Sure, but I can let some of those wishes go (at least temporarily), when I see this little face smiling up at me.

Peter at 4 months old:
weight: 12.7 pounds (12%)
height: 25.5 inches (75%)


Keersten said...

He is so adorable! I can't believe we haven't seen him yet. We're horrible friends. You can tell from the pictures that he had a darling little personality. :D

kristen @ just-iced cookies said...

wow, he's growing so fast! i still can't believe you have five have time to blog and take photos and go on family adventures - kudos to you!

Rachel said...

Those pictures are fantastic! What a cute boy you have. And by the way, I'll trade you post-baby bodies any day. You look great.
