My friend Rachel tagged me with this ABC list so here it goes...
A-attached or single:
I am definitely attached.
B-best friend:
Fortunately, I am married to him.
C-cake or pie:
This is a tough one, however, if brownies were an option there would be no question, so I guess if the cake is somewhat brownie-like, then cake.
D-day of choice:
Anyday that isn't packed full of carpooling, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc.. or a day that has some freetime or a day when I don't have to go anywhere. (I can't remember the last time that happened.)
E-essential items:
Food, water and a little sleep. Plus sunglasses and a little chocolate.
F-favorite color:
I love so many colors that it's hard to choose, but probably something in the green family, although yellow makes me happy, too.
G-gummy bears or worms
Bears - especially if they've been dipped in chocolate.
Salt Lake City, UT
Probably books and an occasional treat from the bakery.
J-January or July:
Absolutely July!
So far, I have four: 1 boy and 3 girls
L-life would be incomplete without:
family, friends, sunshine and books
M-Marriage date:
September 1, 1994 (Wow! going on 14 years!)
N-number of siblings:
I have 6 brothers; 3 older and 3 younger
O-oranges or apples:
I like them both but it depends on the time of year. I love those little clementines at the beginning of the winter, and I love apples in the fall, but will eat either anytime of year if they're good.
P-phobia or fears:
Rodents! and failure
I love so many quotes, but this is a current favorite: "If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room."
R- reason to smile:
warm, sunny days, my kids, good music, good books, good conversation, etc.
Summer (there's a reason we have a big party for summer solstice.)
T-tag 6:
Shawn, Katie, Becky, Charisse, Matt and Anne (and Rob if you feel so obliged)
U-unknown fact about me:
I wish I were 3 inches taller (although many of you may know that so, how about that I am certified to sail a 48 foot boat on the ocean. Sailing, anyone?)
V-vegetarian or oppressor of animals:
I'm about as close to vegetarian as you can get without actually being vegetarian. I could easily go through the rest of my life without another bite of meat, but I will occasionally partake.
W-white or wheat:
Definitely wheat.
X-x-ray vision, invisiblity or flying as a super power:
I can see the value of all 3, but how much would I really use x-ray vision, and I might learn more than I want to with invisiblity although I find that highly tempting, but I really have always wanted to be able to fly,so flying it is.
Y-Your favorite food:
I don't know for sure, but I am definitely a fan of pastas.
Z-zodiac sign:
I am an Aries.